Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Trendy Teaching Club Meeting #1 11/12/2014

Hello Fellow Trendy Teachers!

Today is the first ever meeting of the Amos Hiatt Middle School Trendy Teachers Club! Today we will be talking about the possibilities of having a classroom website/blog. Also the power of having a teaching website or blog. 

The first thing we will do is watch Logan LaPlante's Ted Talk video about Hackschooling. The intent is to empower your thinking about providing an alternative approach to traditional teaching. This is something that having a class blog or website can assist you in doing! 

I would also like you to take time sometime in the next few weeks to read a really great article called Studying New Literacies by Lankshear and Knobel 2014. It is something that I have read lately and it has really had an impact on my thinking about learning. See me for the article. 

We will look at a number of different teacher sites that will help you decide what will work best for you. 

Maryann Sult-Anamosa Technology Literacy Blog

Chelsie Meyer- Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School Art Blog

Virginia Rogers- Amos Hiatt Middle School Art Blog 

It is not about what platform you choose. It is about what you want to accomplish using a site. The opportunities are endless, all it takes is for you to start one. One step at a time. 

As always, do not hesitate to ask questions or let me know you need help! We will go on this journey together. 

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